How to Simply Uninstall Programs From Your Computer
Uninstall Programs From Computer : Are you looking for a way to remove program from your computer easily? The following methods can help you uninstall programs from your computer easily.
Method 1
1. Click Start | Control Panel.2. Click Programs | Uninstall a Program.3. Choose a program you want to remove, and click Uninstall button to start the removal.
Method 2
Go to START | Control Panel.4. Click Programs | Uninstall a Program.5. Choose a program you want to remove, and click Uninstall button to start the removal.6. Follow the removal instructions, and restart the computer after you uninstall Kaspersky PURE from your computer.7. Search the internet for affected files.8. Restart the computer after you uninstall Kaspersky PURE from your computer.
If the above methods do not uninstall the program from your computer, you need to download the program removal tool and ran it on your computer.
Method 3
1. Click Start | Control Panel.2. Click Programs | Uninstall a Program.3. Choose a program you want to remove, and click Uninstall button to start the removal.4. Follow the instruction, and restart the computer after you uninstall Kaspersky PURE from your computer.5. Search the internet for affected files.6. Restart the computer after you uninstall Kaspersky PURE from your computer.7. Restart your computer after the uninstall operation completes.
Kaspersky PURE Uninstaller
This is the Uninstaller utility for all programs.
The following is the guide on how to uninstall Kaspersky PURE from your computer.
1. Double-click the installed program icon on your desktop.2. Click the Uninstall button.3. Follow the onscreen steps to finish the uninstall process.
Well, that was the uninstaller for Kaspersky PURE. But when I try to install it on my computer, I still did not get the uninstall link to point to, or the above message ” Error uninstalling”. Every time I try to install it, the like message pop ups and beeps will flash on my computer screen. So basically, it’s not possible for me to uninstall Kaspersky PURE through the standard mechanism like Add/Remove Programs.
Professional uninstallers
As what I said before, not all program Uninstaller can help you delete Kaspersky PURE thoroughly. Among all those, the best one that I have encountered is a program called the Professional Uninstaller. It has a very powerful function in uninstalling programs, such as Adobe Reader, iTunes, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome, Emails, MS Office, Chrome browser and so on. And most of all, it is very easy to use.
After trying it, I was convinced that the ProUninstaller is really a powerful program that can help me uninstall all unneeded programs from my computer. But then I came across the some shortcomings of it.
Using it to uninstall Kaspersky PURE, it brings up some related programs list and calls it necessary to uninstall Kaspersky PURE. But it only manage to uninstall the Kaspersky PURE. It can’t help uninstall the related programs such as Anti-virus PLUS, eScan Anti-Virus, and ESET Anti-Virus, not to mention the Kaspersky Anti-spyware and the Kaspersky Internet Security. Having such large list of programs, it indicates that this program had run out of resources which stops it from scanning for some computer programs that are not associated with the uninstaller service. Because of that, this program will only disable the programs that it can run and it will stop the scanning for some unknown programs.
Another disadvantage is that such programs as WinTools, Service Manager etc will be unable to uninstall completely. What is more, this will apply to the whole installed programs on the computer. It means that you have to remove them one by one in control panel. So it may cause some mess up.
However, I have to report a few something about Kaspersky PURE. As it can influence the normal working of some programs on your computer. In fact, the program can dashed out some dangerous issues. Like, it can change the proxy settings of your Internet Explorer and your firewall. It can also change your proxy settings. It changes the host files for the host and subnets.
However, the advantages of Kaspersky PURE are still decoration. It has been observed that this program has a low compatibility to uninstall the Kaspersky PURE. Though, it has complete compatibility to all programs. However, its functionality is limited. What is more, this program has no baby buggy update.